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庞卡 (Ponca)

 24 评论

日期: 2023-01-23, 更新: 2023-04-14

可能,Sweet-Ark Ponca是当今世界上最甜的黑莓栽培品种。

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Ponca'

源自于一个十字路口的 A-2406 x A-2253T

品种面额 'Ponca' 经测试为 A-2538T

植物是 无荆棘

灌木丛有 竖立 甘蔗

果实重量为 6 克

浆果有一个 圆形的 形状

可溶性固体 - 13.4%

酸度 - 0.54%

果实习性 花卉类果实(夏季结果的)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第一周 5月

成熟日期(常规)- 第三周 6月

生产力是 5 每棵植物的公斤数

耐寒性是 良好

原产国 美国

专利 US PP33,330 P2 日期 八月 08, 2021

目前状况 - 过时或很少使用

庞卡(Sweet-Ark Ponca)提供了来自世界领先的公共黑莓育种项目之一的顶级风味。庞卡是由约翰-R-克拉克选择的,这个栽培品种是该部门阿肯色州农业试验站的水果育种计划中的第二十个黑莓。
浆果平均重量约为6克,比奥萨奇略大,与卡多几乎相同。果实为圆形,形状略为长圆形,有光泽,表面为均匀的黑色。在整个收获季节,尺寸保持得很好。庞卡栽培品种表现出极好的果实繁殖力,核果饱满。 鲜果的风味非常好,是该品种的一个值得注意的特点,可与奥萨奇和卡多相比。在多年的评估中,在反复观察该品种的果实时注意到了一致的风味,包括在可能降低风味和整体果实质量的雨后事件。味道是甜的和亚酸的。
表1. 流行的新鲜市场黑莓栽培品种和Ponca黑莓的比较表(2019年收获季节,阿肯色州克拉克斯维尔)。
Blackberry Berry weight, g Size, LxW, mm Soluble solids, % Acidity, % Ratio
Caddo 9.15 33x24 8.50 1.33 6.44
Natchez 9.98 35x25 9.33 1.37 6.80
Osage 4.83 23x22 9.80 0.64 15.39
Ouachita 7.74 28x24 9.30 1.61 5.87
Ponca 6.70 26x22 10.40 0.82 12.83
Prime-Ark Traveler 6.97 29x23 9.50 0.67 15.85
Prime-Ark 45 7.64 33x23 9.47 0.81 12.30
A-2491T 9.70 37x23 10.97 0.97 13.49

根据Threlfall等人(2016年)对新鲜市场黑莓理想成分参数的研究结果,并根据2020年Threlfall和John Clark等人的市场调查,Ponca在被评估的栽培品种中具有最理想的成分,可溶性固体/可滴定酸度比为12.83,可溶性固体为10.40%,可滴定酸度为0.82。

如何栽培黑莓 庞卡 (Ponca)?

1. Include annual spring nitrogen (N) fertilization (about 56 kg/ha) using ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3);
2. Summer tipping of primocanes at 1.1 m;
3. Use a hedgerow training system including a trellis;
4. A single application of liquid lime sulfur (94 L/ha) each spring at budbreak for control of anthracnose;
5. Use insecticides for spotted-wing drosophila control during the harvest season;
6. Plant spacing at least 0.6 m.


品种的评论 庞卡 (Ponca)


การทดลองปลูกแบล็คเบอร์รี่ไร้หนามด้วยต้นเพาะเนื้อเยื่อ (พันธุ์ ponca) และการทำค้างให้ต้น Blackberry
Growing Tissue Culture Ponca Blackberry Thonless
Ponca blackberry tip pruning primocanes for better production 6/16/2022
I've been dreading this video. Things are not going well with the Ponca Blackberries.
Ponca Blackberry 2nd year
Ponca blackberry tip pruning primocanes for better production 6/16/2022
Here's an update on my Prime Ark Freedom and Ponca blackberries. The cane growth and the huge crop of berries amazing! All these berries are in Wicking Tubs and are doing fantastic.
This is an update of my progress growing the first batch of bare root Ponca blackberry plants. We have flowers budding already.
评论 从 [@AMYOATIS]
Didn’t expect to see any fruit in the first year!
# View in Twitter
We plant a row of blackberries on our 5 acres in SC Zone 8a. Ouachita, Ponca, Prime Ark-Freedom, Prime Ark-Traveler
A dream that has grown for generations. Our families have farmed or gardened in SC since the 1700’s. Dean Family Acres was established in 2013 and expanded in 2016, we strive to be “Real People, Real Homesteading.” We are on 5 acres in the Upstate of SC, zone 8a where we garden, feed chickens, cats, dogs, rabbits and Boer meat goats. We also enjoy landscaping projects and trips off the farm with our family of 6. Thanks for following our journey as we post a new video every Sunday.
评论 从 [ZENDOG]
I found a few Ponca on one of my first year plants today. I planted these in a row, but also put in a bunch of determinate paste tomatoes, peppers and some cucamelons between them that have now grown up so it is crowded and a bit hard to see all of the Ponca’s growth. I’ll let the Poncas have all the space next year, but thought they could share this year while they’re small. These tasted very good, but not quite as sweet as I had hoped, maybe from being shaded by the other plants. But the flavor was definitely a bit richer or fuller than other thornless I’ve tasted. I look forward to seeing what they do next year.
The Ponca blackberries I planted in the spring are coming along nicely. A few of the plants flowered on the old growth bareroot stalk. I had a nice big juicy one that was to be ready today. Unfortunately when I got home from work it seems one of the local birds needed it more than me. There was a runt of a berry on the same bush that was black as well that the birds so graciously left me. I was not expecting much but to my delight the berry was very sweet with a very slight twang at the end. It was only one so not much of a sample size but I’m optimistic these plants will be winners next year. My sweetie pies have been getting destroyed by the birds and squirrels even with netting up. It’s so frustrating. If it’s war they want, it shall be war they get.
THERE IS A NEW BLACKBERRY VARIETY...! And it looks like it's going to be one of the BEST EVER.
Take a trip with me to Bob Wells Nursery at Sorelle Farms to get some new PONCA blackberries!
I think this is going to be a great new variety for the Homesteader/Backyard Gardener.
AAES Research Recap: Ponca Blackberry
The Ponca blackberry is the latest variety developed by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Fruit Research Station near Clarksville. Coming on the heels of other successful varieties developed there like Ouachita and Caddo, Ponca is a thornless, sweet variety that should prove successful with farmers and consumers. UA Distinguished Professor John Clark describes this new blackberry.
Ponca blackberry. In my years in fruit breeding at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, this is one of the most exciting discoveries I've had a part in. Why is it so exciting? It is a good blackberry, berry after berry after berry. Difficult to get blackberries to be consistently good and sweet, and Ponca, it shines in that characteristic.
Ponca ripens early. It's very near Natchez season, one of our earliest varieties, and so it'll get into the market in the early season. Ponca's characteristics include: a berry size of about seven grams, which is comparable to Ouachita, a very important Arkansas variety, and larger than Osage, one of our most popular high flavored varieties. The berry chemistry is one of the best I've seen for a blackberry. Anywhere from 10 to 13 percent average soluble solids for the season, the sweetest one we've released. It has a sub-acid flavor which always complements the sweetness, and it has a tremendous aromatic profile.
The storage of Ponca is very good. It retains its black color very good with very limited reversion or reddening of the cells in storage. It maintains its shiny appearance, that sweetness carries through on flavor. I think for a storage berry and for shipping, it has great potential. And for local markets, your customers are going to come back and ask for Ponca.
Yield is very important in our blackberry breeding program because we want to have productive plants year in and year out. The yield for Ponca is approximately 15 to 20 thousand pounds per acre in our test plots, and is equal to that of Ouachita and Osage, two of our successful varieties that have been stable yield plants in the commercial market.
Ponca has a couple of unique plant characteristics that are new to our blackberry variety profile, and that includes the ability to produce the primary crop which ripens early very similar to Natchez in season, and the secondary crop which ripens anywhere from 14 to 20 days later. When we have a frost, we have a little bit of recovery crop potential because these buds break a little later. A unique aspect of Ponca is its plant type. It has a shortened internodes, and that's the space between leaves and shoots and flower clusters, and it allows a more compact type plant. This is the fruiting area which is about shoulder heigh to slightly lower, where the canes have been tipped to train them the prior year. However the primocanes on Ponca emerge above the fruiting canopy later, which is an added benefit in that tipping is not required early or during harvest in our trials, and it also allows the tipping to be done after harvest. This is a labor saving technique and reduces some management costs, which probably will be beneficial to growers of commercial blackberries.
In the berry category, blackberries have the greatest growth potential, and the only thing holding back is marketing and better varieties. Often times people say, "I don't like blackberries because they're tart or sour." Ponca is sweet. Berry to berry to berry consistency is better than any blackberry I've ever experienced. Give Ponca a try. I think it can expand your blackberry sales, and put smiles on customer faces.
How does the new Ponca Blackberry variety match up with other Commercial blackberries? Well, take a look at these plants. Raising blackberries in containers is easy and, in my opinion, a much better way for to have a small blackberry patch.

We planted 1/4 acre of Ponca this fall. We are somewhat cautious since the new variety produces a small secondary crop and requires a different management technique when toping the canes. I suspect it’s going to be an excellent addition or terrible.

Placed the new Ponca side by side with Caddo, Ouachita and Von in a new field. Von ripens at the same time as Navaho. Since its a NCSU variety it has been tested a lot in my area. Brix, yield and flavor has been described as about the same as the Arkansas berries. It has better resistance to orange rust than Navaho.

Still have about an acre of Natchez, Ouchata and Navaho in the old field. I like the Navaho fruit a lot but the plants are consumed with orange rust and will be removed. These plants are 12 or more years old and we have noticed some decline in vigor and plant survival over time.

This is my first year with blackberries. I'm using the rotating Cross Arm trellis format of my own design. Ponca is a beautiful dark green plant with lush compact leaf structure. The leaves are huge. The canes are very stiff and prone to bending over, but mine have continued to grow and put on laterals that are trainable (let them grow long and only do gradual sweeping horizontal wire training) I have found, so, that the best ties I can find is grocery bags cut in strips. I hope those stiff canes make the winter position tradition without breaking. I have not had any berries but expect to next season.