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纳奇兹 (Natchez)

 12 评论

日期: 2023-01-23, 更新: 2023-03-29


Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Natchez'

源自于一个十字路口的 Ark. 1857 x Ark. 2005

品种面额 'Natchez' 经测试为 Ark. 2241

植物是 无荆棘

灌木丛有 半直立型 甘蔗

果实重量为 8 克

浆果有一个 长方形 形状

可溶性固体 - 9.5%

酸度 - 0.94%

果实习性 花卉类果实(夏季结果的)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第三周 四月

成熟日期(常规)- 第三周 6月

生产力是 6 每棵植物的公斤数

耐寒性是 中等水平

原产国 美国

专利 US PP20,891 P3 日期 三月 28, 2010

目前状况 - 过时或很少使用

表1. 阿肯色州两个地方的Natchez、Apache和Ouachita栽培品种的产量和平均浆果产量
Cultivar Yield, kg/ha Berry weight, g
2005 2006 2005 2006
Natchez 12773 8697 8.7 8.0
Apache 13058 10699 8.6 8.2
Ouachita 8913 7997 6.3 6.2
Natchez 7169 8417 6.7 4.4
Apache 4278 9957 7.9 6.7
Ouachita 3159 21676 5.8 4.7
表2. 克拉克斯维尔阿肯色大学水果分站的阿帕奇、瓦奇塔和纳奇兹黑莓的比较表
Main features Variety
Apache Ouachita Natchez
Flowering date
10% bloom April 24 April 23 April 21
50% bloom   April 28  April 24
Harvest date
First June 19 June 10 June 3
Peak July 7 June 26 June 8
Last July 28 July 20 July 11
First-ripe rating
(scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best)
2.3 5.3 7.5
Berry weight, g
First 8.3 7.5 8.8
Peak 10.1 7.0 10.2
Last 8.8 5.7 8.0
Fruit (rating scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best)
Firmness 8.0 8.3 7.8
Flavor 8.0 8.0 7.5
Soluble solids, % 10.6 9.8 8.7
Seed fresh weight, mg - 6.2 6.8
Seed dry weight, mg - 4.2 4.2
Plant (rating scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best)
Vigor 7.5 7.0 7.0
Health 8.5 8.3 7.8

品种的评论 纳奇兹 (Natchez)

This is an example of a few of my Natchez thornless blackberry plants in the winter while they are dormant. They were planted from root cuttings in March of 2020.
My experience with growing Natchez thornless blackberries. Here are some of the great aspects of this plant: Delicious Berries Propagates Itself (free plants) Blackberry leaves for teas If staked only takes up a small amount of space First to fruit in spring with many flowers for pollinators I briefly show my Ogrow greenhouse. Overall I'm happy with the purchase, but there is one big drawback. The white film on the panels peels off very easily. I've kept it all on with clear or double sided tape. Hope you enjoy the video. Thanks.
Building the trellis system for my blackberry plants and planting the Natchez Blackberries.
评论 从 [B. MATHESON]
Avoiding growing the blackberry Natchez is a wise choice. I grew it both in a barrel and the garden for 2 years from established plant sources in a trial. The fruit quality was very bland and erratically sized. The berries had an insipid watery taste to them.

Both plantings fizzled out. The one in a huge barrel was pot bound within 18 months, putting out no new growth nor canes. The other in a selected part of the garden just put out leaf growth and stopped flowering as its runners spread underground at an undesirable rate like Asterina. Needless to say it was removed. None of these newer releases from the U.S are suited to the UK.