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Prime-Ark 45

 13 评论

日期: 2023-01-23, 更新: 2023-08-13


Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Prime-Ark 45'

源自于一个十字路口的 APF-12 x APF-1

品种面额 'APF-45'

植物是 荆棘丛生

灌木丛有 竖立 甘蔗

果实重量为 5 克

浆果有一个 锥形 形状

可溶性固体 - 9.7%

酸度 - 0.51%

果实习性 初果期(常年累月)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第一周 5月

成熟日期(常规)- 第二周 6月

樱草的开花期在 第二周 七月

成熟日期(再成熟)- 第三周 八月

生产力是 5 每棵植物的公斤数

耐寒性是 中等水平

原产国 美国

专利 US PP22,449 P3 日期 一月 08, 2012

目前状况 - 过时或很少使用

引进黑莓栽培品种Prim-Ark 45(APF-45)是为了扩大这种创新的、带刺的初果型黑莓的选择范围。
除了具有无刺藤条外,这种Prim-Ark 45还能生产出风味良好的大浆果,并且在花期上非常早熟。Prime-Ark 45的浆果没有表现出特殊的采后储藏潜力,不建议用于运输市场。
报春花的平均长度约为2米。报春花强壮而有活力,但有刺。植物喜欢阳光下放置。报春花的45个浆果是中等大小,浆果的平均重量约为4-6克,颜色为黑色。每株植物都会结出成群的浆果,像一串葡萄。第一批产量在6月中旬开始在报春园形成,并持续3至4周。在第一个收获季节,Prime-Ark 45密集地生产初榨果实,很快开始开花。这是第二个收获季节,它一直持续到第一次霜冻。
第二个收获季节结束后,Prime-Ark 45需要在冬季躲避霜冻、冰冻和寒风,因为这种黑莓品种的耐寒性适中,约为零下13.17摄氏度。
表1. Prime-Jim(APF-12)、Prime-Ark 45(APF-45)和花果品种Ouachita和Natchez的产量和平均浆果重量
Cultivar Yield, kg/ha Berry weight, g
2008 2009 2008 2009
Prime-Ark 45 13121 4194 6.1 4.7
Prime-Jim 6073 3759 4.6 3.5
Ouachita 8756 4012 5.8 4.7
Natchez 14113 5548 7.9 6.2
Prime-Ark 45 986 1565 4.3 5.1
Prime-Jim 84.1 146 3.2 3.3
表2. 阿肯色大学水果研究站的Prim-Ark 45(APF-45)、Prim-Jim(APF-12)、Ouachita和Natchez栽培品种的比较表
Main features Variety
APF-45 APF-12 Ouachita Natchez
Floricane flowering date
10% bloom April 28 April 28 May 3 April 30
50% bloom May 4 May 5 May 8 May 4
Floricane harvest date
First June 10 June 8 June 13 June 5
Peak June 24 June 19 June 30 June 20
Last July 13 July 17 July 19 July 13
Primocane flowering date
First June 30 June 13 - -
Primocane harvest date
First ripe fruit August 8 July 15 - -
Fruit (rating scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best)
Firmness 8.1 6.6 8.1 7.7
Flavor 7.7 6.4 8.1 7.5
Soluble solids, % 9.6 8.8 10.5 9.2
Plant (rating scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best)
Vigor 7.4 7.6 7.0 6.8
Health 7.4 7.7 7.7 7.3

如何栽培黑莓 Prime-Ark 45?

1. Avoid wet area when planted new bushes;
2. Annual spring nitrogen fertilization (56 kg/ha) using ammonium nitrate;
3. Additional fertilization (23 kg/ha) after the floricane crop production is completed in July;
4. Tipping primocanes at 42 inch height two times each season usually in mid-June and late July or early August;
5. Dormant pruning of primocane-fruiting plants must include removing dead floricanes and removing primocane tissue to a point below the fruiting (flowering) area on the primocanes;
6. Dormant pruning of floricane-fruiting plants must include removing dead floricanes and pruning lateral branches to ~ 0.4 m in length;
7. A single application of iron sulfate in late fall (October) and lime sulfur (94 L/ha) at budbreak in early spring;
8. Plant spacing at least 0.6 m;
9. Use sun shelters.


品种的评论 Prime-Ark 45

评论 从 [Dmitrii Z]
Addon to my previous review. Drought-resistant, has tasty berries. The main drawback is its thorns and termination of pollination at the air temperatures over 30 C.
评论 从 [Dmitrii Z]
First year growing and fruiting of Prime-Ark 45 (uncovered in winter)
แบล็คเบอรี่สายพันธุ์ prime ark45 สายพันธุ์ที่ให้ผลผลิตได้ดีในไทย ผลใหญ่ ดก รสชาติอร่อยถูกปาก
อัปเดตแบล็คเบอรี่ข้างบ้าน พันธุ์ prime ark 45 | ปลูกแบล็คเบอรี่
EMCO CAL - APF 45 Blackberry Variety - English Subtitles
Dr. John R. Clark describes Prime-Ark 45, the first primocane-fruiting blackberry with high quality storage and shipping characteristics for the commercial fruit industry. Prime-Ark 45 is the third of four primocane-fruiting blackberries released by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.
We love prime ark 45’s they are beyond my best expecations. Not often does something exceed what we expected to extend the blackberry season. These pictures were taken September 10th. They show no signs of slowing down. They are still blooming! Prime ark freedom continue to be a dissapointment so far at my location. When people taste these test crop berries 100% of the time they say they are very good but not as good as my family heirloom berries that ripen in July. For extending the blackberry harvest these are exactly what you want. They are hardy but as hardy as the heirlooms. These must be very well cared for the first two years to get them established. My mother came out to look at them and after eating some she proclaimed they were pretty good for a tame berry but nothing like the family heirloom we grow. I mentioned to her that perhaps crosses between the two would improve the genetics on both. She looked at me like i suggested releasing tazmanian devils for a breeding project. If the heirlooms of my grandfathers blackberries pick up the everbearing gene naturally they would be unstoppable because the seeds readily sprout as it is with wide gentic variation.
In my experience primeark45 in Kansas is truly everbearing with large , good tasting berries. Freedom thornless does ok but not as good as 45. I did not give them much special care to test how they truly would do in a really big planting. There are many more productive berries that can be planted if a single large crop is wanted. 45 is what should be planted for s continuos crop. The photo above was 25 days ago when these were mostly small berries and blooms. These test crops of Prime ark 45 turned out very good! Freedom planted at the same time did not produce berries. Primeark 45 had some large berries even on these smaller plants. The berries started ripening in Late June (ate a few) and are still producing today on July 4th! They may produce up until the time of my main blackberry harvest on July 20th. These are all good signs but we will see what fall brings! These are Very very promising black berries! Flavor and disease resistance have been very good. These look like they will fit my needs extending the blackberry harvest.
评论 从 [MosBerry]
This cultivar I've planted in last year at the middle of summer. Prime-Ark 45 almost immediately started to produce primocanes and bloom. Thorns number were less than Kiowa. I've received harvest from floricanes and from primocanes. Last harvest was at the beginning of October, but some drupelets of berries were not ripen.