Old very vigorous erect cultivar with early-ripening fruit for south regions

Choctaw is one of the "Indian" family of the American blackberry cultivars. Selected from a Rosborough hand-pollinated cross in 1975 at the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Fruit Substation at Clarksville.
Plants of Choctaw are highly vigorous and prolific and row establishment following... read more

Thorny cultivar with yellow fruit, light yellow-green canes and leaves

Clark Gold is the result of spontaneous mutation of the southern wild blackberry species (dewberry), found in south Texas. This variety has not been observed under environmental  conditions outside of southern Texas. The plants of Clark Gold lack anthocyanin pigment through all tissues, including... read more

New thornless trailing blackberry cultivar with very large fruit

Columbia Giant is a thornless trailing blackberry cultivar with very large fruit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) breeding program in Corvallis. Columbia Giant is introduced as a high quality, high yielding, thornless trailing blackberry with good... read more

Very high-quality, high-yielding, machineharvestable, thornless trailing blackberry with firm, sweet fruit

Columbia Star is a thornless, trailing blackberry cultivar from the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) breeding program in Corvallis.
Columbia Star is the first thornless blackberry to be released with the Lincoln Logan source of thornlessness other than the... read more

Very early ripening, thornless trailing blackberry variety with large, firm fruit and very good sweet flavor and high crop

Columbia Sunrise is thornless trailing blackberry cultivar with excellent quality of fruit. Blackberry Columbia Sunrise is introduced as a very early ripening, thornless trailing blackberry with large, firm fruit, superb flavor and good yields, that will be suited for hand-harvested fresh and... read more

Two-season crops, early and late ripening, almost continuous fruiting rare blackberry

Distinct variety of a thornless blackberry plant that was discovered by Mason E. Cox on his farm on Pinnacle Road, Pineville (West Virginia, United States) in a cultivated area.
The plant has two crops per season, with the second crop beginning about the time that the fruit of the first crop begins... read more

The newest primocane-fruiting blackberry from Arkansas for home garden and lосаl fresh-market

The blackberry variety named Danna originated from а hand-pollinated cross of А-2504Т and АРF-295Т made in 2012.
Danna produces fruit on primocanes and floricanes (everbearing blackberry), plants of this cultivar are vigorous and prolific, thornless. Primocanes and floricanes are erect in growth... read more

Dwarf blackberry cultivar for planting in pots and terraces

Blackberry Dima (Tiny Black) is early-ripening floricane-fruiting dwarf variety, perfectly suitable as pot culture.
This cultivar selected in 2017 in the Republic of Moldova. Blackberry Relevant was one of the parents of this cultivar.
Bushes are compact, semi-erected, fully thornless. Internodes... read more

First direct bearing blackberry cultivar for small gardens and pots

Direttissima Montblanc is the first direct bearing blackberry cultivar from Lubera AG, Switzerland. Like an autumn raspberry, it can be cut down to a height of about 15 cm at the end of February or the beginning of March, it will then immediately start to grow new shoots, then bloom at the end of... read more

European blackberry variety selected from wild blackberries

The blackberry variety Dirksen Thornless is the improved horticultural fully thornless semi-erect cultivar, selected from the wild blackberries.
Plants are large and moderately vigorous, canes length achieves up to 5 m in length. Bush has a lot of replacement stems.
Begin to bloom at the end of May... read more

Highly vigorous slightly thorny old cultivar with very strong canes

Douglass is sufficiently old and highly vigorous blackberry variety, selected from controlled hybridization in 1985 in the Oregon, US. The distinctive feature of these plants is very large diameter of the canes (10 mm in midpoint, 15 mm at the base). Douglass is nominally thornless, but the lower... read more

Superb high yields and adaptation for all regions

The Doyle's Thornless blackberry cultivar is older than most thornless blackberry varieties cultivated today. This is thornless high-productive variety with very big yield. The canes of Doyle's Thornless blackberry are vigorous and trailing, require a cumbersome support. The producer promises yields... read more

An old variety of trailing thorns-free blackberry with sour berries

Ebano variety originated in Pelotas, RS, from joint work between Embrapa Clima Temperado and the University of Arkansas (USA) in 1983.
The canes of Ebano blackberry are prostrate, requiring support, and have no thorns. It produces very well in the cooler areas of the Brazil region.
The fruits are... read more

Thornless, semi-erect, high quality blackberry that has firm, uniformly shaped, dark fruit suited for the fresh market

Eclipse (ORUS 2816-4) is thornless semi-erect blackberry cultivar with medium-large, firm, dark fruit. Eclipse is introduced as a high quality blackberry that has medium-sized, uniformly shaped berries that ripen in the early season where it is firmer or earlier than current standards. Developed by... read more

This trailing blackberry has attractive lacy leaves and produces small sweet fruit in late summer and autumn

The cultivar named Evergreen (also known as  Oregon Thornless) was grown commercially for many years before it became obsolete. This trailing blackberry has lacy leaves and produces small, sweet fruit in late summer.
Evergreen is a wonderfully ornamental plant grown on a trellis with very pretty... read more

Superb vigor of plants, very long stems and incredible yield on your hedgerow

Fantasia blackberry variety was discovered growing on an allotment in Surrey (South England), and thought to be a cross between Merton Thornless and Himalayan Giant. The canes of Fantasia have superb vigor, they are thick, very thorny, trailing, dramatically long (up to 10 m) and bear outstanding... read more

The recent selection from Embrapa with distinctive flavor and large rounded fruit

Gabrielle is a newest cultivar from Embrapa, Brazil. It is a result of manual crossing between Guarani and one of the Arkansas variety, named after the east Brazilian state Minas Gerais. As a parent Guarani, Gabrielle also have corrugated (ruffled) leaves. Canes have spines. Gabrielle bears fruit on... read more


Rating: 5
Extremely vigorous plant without substitution canes

Gaj is thornless erect blackberry cultivar from Experimental Station Of The Institute Of Horticulture, Brzezna, Poland. Gaj is extremely vigorous plant without root canes. Stems are thick and strong, up to 3,5 m in length and up to 25 mm in diameter, fully thornless. New canes are bright green in... read more

Prickles-free semi-erect high-quality cultivar with very nice attractive berries

Blackberry Galaxy is a newest thornless, semi-erect high-quality cultivar, that has firm, large, dark fruit suited for the fresh market and that ripen in the early season for this type of blackberry. Galaxy was released by the US Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service breeding... read more

Very vigorous late-ripening blackberry cultivar with numerous substitution canes

Blackberry Gazda is erect-growing floricane-fruiting cultivar from Experimental Station Of The Institute Of Horticulture, Brzezna, Poland. Gazda is very vigorous plant with numerous substitution canes. Stems are thick and strong, up to 2,5-3 m in length with curved endings. Gazda cultivar has some... read more
