Chickasaw blackberry variety

Rating [ 3 ]

Large berries, high yields and excellent postharvest handling characteristics

Botanical designation

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Chickasaw'

Originated from a cross of

Originated from a cross of Ark. 842 x Ark. 1246

Variety denomination

Variety denomination - 'Chickasaw', tested as Ark. 1647

Plants are

Plants are thorny

Bushes have

Bushes have erect canes

Fruit weight is

Fruit weight is 10 g


Berries have a oblong shape

Fruiting habit

Fruiting habit - floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the

Flowering on floricanes starts in the fourth week of April

Ripening date (regular) -

Ripening date (regular) - second week of June

Productivity is

Productivity is 3 kg per plant

Soluble solids

Soluble solids - 9.6%


Acidity - 1.41%

Cold hardiness is

Cold hardiness is low

Heat tolerance is

Heat tolerance is low


Patent US PP11,861 P2 dated May 06, 2001

Current status

Current status - obsolete or rarely used

Chickasaw is the tenth release in a series of erect-growing, high-quality, productive blackberry cultivars developed by the University of Arkansas, United States.
Canes of Chickasaw are thorny and erect, but a thorns density is less than that of Kiowa. Chickasaw can be grown in a hedgerow without trellis support, with primocanes tipped at 1.1 m to control primocane length and encourage lateral branching. This is early-ripening variety. Blackberry Chickasaw starts bloom at the end of April. In south regions it can starts bloom earlier - at the middle of April. First berries ripen at the beginning of June, in south regions - at the end of May. Average length of fruiting period for Chickasaw is 40 days. Yield is high, about 12 t/ha.
Chickasaw maintained very good fruit weight over the harvest season, average berry weight is 10 g. Chickasaw blackberry has excellent flower and fruit fertility and full drupelet set. Berries of Chickasaw are long, cylindrical, and slightly flattened in shape and very attractive with a glossy, black finish. Primary fruit diameter is 2.5 cm and berry length averages 4 cm. Chickasaw is superior in storage.
Winter resistant is very good, up to minus 23 C.
Table 1. Yield and average berry weight (plantings established in 1996)
Cultivar Yield, kg/ha Berry weight, g
1997 1998 1997 1998
Chickasaw 12321 11085 11.0 10.5
Choctaw 7471 7972 6.1 5.4
Shawnee 8912 8417 8.4 7.4
Chickasaw 7869 17154 8.8 8.5
Choctaw 4292 10150 5.3 4.3
Shawnee 4223 17090 7.3 6.3
Kiowa 992 11139 7.3 7.8
Chickasaw 11491 11239 10.2 8.3
Choctaw 4010 6695 5.3 3.3
Shawnee 81126 8839 7.9 5.4
Kiowa 9832 10016 10.0 8.1
Table 2. Сomparison table of Chikasaw, Chocto and Shawnee blackberries at the University of Arkansas Fruit Substation, Clarksville
Main features Variety
Chickasaw Choctaw Shawnee
Flowering date
10% bloom April 25 April 23 April 29
50% bloom April 29 April 30 May 6
Harvest date
First June 10 May 30 June 7
Peak June 21 June 7 June 20
Last July 20 July 1 July 17
Fruit (rating scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best)
Firmness 7.9 7.1 7.1
Flavor 8.1 8.6 7.4
Soluble solids, % 9.6 8.7 9.3
Plant (rating scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best)
Vigor 8.9 8.0 9.0
Health 8.7 8.1 8.4
Winter injury 8.8 7.9 8.6

Chickasaw  sweet?

Is blackberry Chickasaw sweet?

Chickasaw blackberries have a balanced sour-sweet flavor
Useful Growing Guides

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Chief Joseph
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Reviews of the variety Chickasaw


The difference between the two in disease resistance and hardiness

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