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 2 reviews

Date: 2021-05-21, updated: 2024-03-20

Additional or substitute variety for growers, who cultivate Tupi blackberry

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Caingua'

Originated from a cross of Caingangue x Selection 2/96

Variety denomination 'Caingua', tested as Black 212

Plants are thorny

Bushes have erect canes

Fruit weight is 7 g

Berries have a conical shape

Soluble solids - 8.9%

Acidity - 0.81%

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Productivity is 1.8 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is low

Country of origin Brazil

Current status - modern or widely used

Blackberry Caingua was derived in Brazil by Embrapa Clima Temperado in cooperation with Arkansas University.
The stem of Caingua is erect to semi-erect, with short internodes. It has fewer and smaller thorns than Tupi or Xingu. The plants have low to medium vigor but are very productive. Leaves are light green with small stipules. As the plants are less vigorous than Tupi, they can be planted at a higher density.
Harvest begins in the third week of November and lasts on second week of January (Brazil area, Southern hemisphere).
The fruits of cultivar Caingua are elongated (30 mm in length and 18 mm in width), have a good appearance and pleasant taste for the fresh market. Average weight of berries is 7 g. Average yield is 1.9 kg per plant. The firmness and gloss of the fruits are medium.
Caingua has 8% color reversion after seven days of storage at 5 C, 17% after 14 days and 18% after 21 days.
The plants are not resistant, but less susceptible to rust than Tupi.
Caingua is recommended as additional or substituting variety for growers, who cultivate very popular Tupi variety in Southern hemisphere.
Table 1. Yield, average berry weight and harvest season duration of Caingua cultivar in Brazil
Year Harvesting date Berry weight, g/fruit Yield, kg/plant
First Last
2012 19/11 09/01 6.5 1.52
2013 19/11 02/01 8.7 1.78
2014 21/11 12/01 6.5 1.72
2015 08/12 25/01 8.1 2.87
2016 11/11 29/12 6.9 1.46
2017 21/11 19/01 5.0 1.76
Avg. 22/11 11/01 7.0 1.85

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Reviews of the variety Caingua

Review from [PLANTAR EM CASA]
Amora Preta BRS Caingua foi lançada em 2018 pelo programada de melhoramento da Embrapa, é uma planta de baixa necessidade de frio exigindo de 200 a 300 horas ereta com frutos cônicos que praticamente não possuem acidez
Amora Preta BRS Caingua foi lançada em 2018 pelo programada de melhoramento da Embrapa , é uma planta de baixa necessidade de frio exigindo de 200 a 300 horas ereta com frutos cônicos que praticamente não possuem acidez