Caddo 黑莓品种

评价 [ 5 ]

精彩的无刺黑莓品种,母本之一是Prim-Ark 45。


Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Caddo'


源自于一个十字路口的 Prime-Ark 45 x A-2108T


品种面额 - 'Caddo' 经测试为 A-2428T


植物是 无荆棘


灌木丛有 竖立 甘蔗


果实重量为 8 克


浆果有一个 圆形的 形状


果实习性 - 花卉类果实(夏季结果的)。


花椰菜的开花期开始于 第一周 5月


成熟日期(常规)- 第三周 6月


生产力是 5 每棵植物的公斤数


可溶性固体 - 10.2%


酸度 - 1.01%


耐寒性是 良好


耐热性是 中等水平


专利 US PP33,115 P2 日期 5月 30, 2021


目前状况 - 过时或很少使用

原产国 - 美国

阿格瓦姆 (Agawam) 阿曼达 (Amanda) 阿纳斯塔西娅-韦伯里 (Anastasia Wyeberry) 阿帕奇 (Apache) 阿拉帕霍 (Arapaho) 婴儿蛋糕 (Babycakes APF-236T) 贝利 (Bailey) 大爸爸 (Big Daddy) 黑布特 (Black Butte) 黑金刚 (Black Diamond) 黑宝石 (Black Gem) 黑杰克 (Black Jack) 黑魔法 (Black Magic) 黑珍珠 (Black Pearl) 黑色缎面 (Black Satin) 布莱克利 (Blakely) 小红莓 (Boysenberry) 布拉索斯 (Brazos) Caddo 切萨皮克 (Chesapeake) 切斯特-无刺 (Chester Thornless) 夏延 (Cheyenne) 奇卡索 (Chickasaw) 约瑟夫酋长 (Chief Joseph) 乔克托语 (Choctaw) 克拉克的黄金 (Clark's Gold) 哥伦比亚巨头 (Columbia Giant) 哥伦比亚星报 (Columbia Star) 哥伦比亚的日出 (Columbia Sunrise) COX的神奇浆果 (COX's miracle berry) Danna 道格拉斯 (Douglass) 多伊尔的无刺鱼 (Doyle's Thornless) 日蚀 (Eclipse) 常绿无刺 (Evergreen Thornless) 星系 (Galaxy) 霍尔之美 (Hall's Beauty) 天堂可以等待 (Heaven Can Wait A-1960) 海德里克 (Hedrick) HJ-6 HJ-7 船体无刺 (Hull Thornless) 伊利尼-哈迪 (Illiny Hardy) 凯利 (Kelly) 基奥瓦 (Kiowa) 小田 (Kotata) 罗格贝利 (Loganberry) 卢克莱西亚 (Lucretia) 玛丽安 (Marion) 玛丽-卡门 (Mary Carmen APF-122) Metolius MM01 纳奇兹 (Natchez) 纳瓦霍族 (Navaho) 内特尔顿奶油白 (Nettleton Creamy White) 纽伯瑞 (Newberry) 夜幕降临 (Nightfall) 黑曜岩 (Obsidian) 缟玛瑙 (Onyx) 奥萨奇 (Osage) 瓦奇塔 (Ouachita) 庞卡 (Ponca) Prime-Ark 45 Prime-Ark Freedom (Prime-Ark Horizon APF-268) Prime-Ark Traveler 骁勇善战 (Prime-Jan APF-8) 普雷姆 (Prime-Jim APF-12) 鲁本 (Reuben) 舒尔茨 (Schultz) 肖尼 (Shawnee) 西斯基尤 (Siskiyou) 平滑茎 (Smoothstem) 甜蜜派 (Sweetie Pie) 索恩弗里 (Thornfree) 三冠王 (Triple Crown) 暮光之城 (Twilight) 冯 (Von) 瓦尔多 (Waldo) 野生宝藏 (Wild Treasure) 威拉米特无刺马里昂 (Willamette Thornless Marion)

黑莓卡多(Sweet-Ark Caddo)是阿肯色大学农业部门开发的一系列直立生长、高质量、高产的花果型黑莓栽培品种中的第十四个品种,用于新鲜市场。它与Prim-Ark 45有血缘关系。开发Caddo的目的是为了将另一个无刺黑莓栽培品种的风味提高到一个更高的水平。卡多品种的藤条完全无刺,直立,看起来像纳奇兹。卡多在早季中期成熟,接近奥沙,略早于瓦奇塔,仅次于纳奇兹。黑莓卡多生产的浆果很大,比奥沙和瓦奇塔的大。卡多的味道与奥沙和纳奇兹非常相似,但更甜。黑莓卡多的果实是长方形的,核果的填充物均匀。核果通常在视觉上比欧阿奇塔、奥萨奇和纳奇兹大。卡多的浆果有光泽,表面是均匀的黑色。果实坚硬是卡多的一个值得注意的特点。卡多的平均浆果重量在7到9克之间,产量很高,与纳奇兹一样。总的来说,卡多栽培品种的耐寒性与阿肯色州开发的其他栽培品种相似,如欧阿奇塔和奥萨奇品种。卡多应该是一个具有良好运输潜力的商业栽培品种,也是当地市场生产和家庭花园的一个选择。
表1. 克拉克斯维尔阿肯色大学水果研究站的卡多、瓦奇塔、奥萨奇和纳奇兹黑莓栽培品种的比较表,来自2013年种植的重复试验和单块观察试验
Main features Variety
Caddo Osage Ouachita Natchez
Flowering date
10% bloom April 28 April 24 April 26 April 20
50% bloom May 3 April 30 May 2 April 25
Harvest date
First June 10 June 13 June 15 June 8
Peak June 23 June 22 July 3 June 18
Last July 14 July 20 July 20 July 7
Fruit weight, g/berry
First 8.4 5.9 7.1 10.0
Peak 7.9 6.2 6.3 11.5
Last 7.6 5.9 6.7 8.9

Caddo  是甜的吗?

黑莓 Caddo 是甜的吗?

Caddo 的黑莓有一种平衡的酸甜味

如何栽培黑莓 Caddo?

1. Include annual preemergence and postemergence herbicide applications;
2. Include annual spring nitrogen (N) fertilization (about 56 kg/ha) using ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3);
3. Summer tipping of primocanes at 1.1 m;
4. Sprinkler irrigation apply as needed;
5. Use dormant pruning;
6. A single application of liquid lime sulfur (94 L/ha) each spring at budbreak for control of anthracnose.

黑莓是什么疾病 Caddo 抵抗?

Caddo 具有非常好的抗病性,如 炭疽病, 孢子叶病和甘蔗斑病, 橙锈色

什么疾病是 黑莓品种 Caddo 容易受到伤害?

没有观察到对香料害虫或疾病的敏感性。 Caddo

品种的评论 Caddo


Extremely proud of this year’s blackberry harvest. Variety pictured is ‘Caddo’. Flavor/texture are (of course) lightyears away from store-bought. First full season (planted fall 2020 along with ‘Columbia Giant’ that is still getting established but gave some good smaller fruit).

— City Mouse Garden (@CityMouseGarden) August 30, 2021


Hello. I want to introduce you to Caddo, the 14th release in the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Blackberry Breeding Program.
Caddo combines a number of really great traits, including large fruit size, really great flavor with nice aromatics, a reduced acidity, high soluble solids, a combination of traits that really make the flavor nice. Caddo is one that we feel like will provide high yields for fresh market production for Arkansas growers, growers around the United States and around the world. It has erect thorn less plants, really easy to manage. Caddo is one that's very exciting, I want to tell you more about it.
One thing about Caddo I want to point out is the health of the plants. The floricane leaves remain green even after harvest of the crop. This is really positive because that helps contribute to the sweet berry flavor through the season, plus it helps restore the plant's vigor and carbohydrate storage for the primocanes which will bear next year's crop. Caddo stores really well. It does quite well in storage for 7 days, up to 14 days in dry conditions, and the flavor is maintained really well during storage also. This allows opportunities for shipping of berries, but also for the local sales where you might want to store fruit for a few days before selling.
Caddo ripens on average about June the 8th in West Central Arkansas, a couple of days after Natchez, very near Osage, and about five days before Ouachita. So it placed well in a good sequence of ripening among the Arkansas varieties. Caddo has large berry size, 8 to 10 grams on average, and the fruit size is maintained for the entire fruit season, something that's unusual for many blackberry varieties. The berries are elongated, shiny, and very attractive in the clamshell.
Caddo is an exciting new variety, and it expands options for Arkansas growers and for growers around the country and around the world for a thorn less, erect, full-flavor blackberry.

关于品种的讨论 Caddo


