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纽伯瑞 (Newberry)

 1 评论

日期: 2023-01-23, 更新: 2023-03-29


Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Newberry'

源自于一个十字路口的 ORUS 834-5 x ORUS 1045-14

品种面额 'Newberry' 经测试为 ORUS 1324-1

植物是 荆棘丛生

灌木丛有 追踪 甘蔗

果实重量为 7 克

浆果有一个 锥形 形状

果实习性 花卉类果实(夏季结果的)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第一周 6月

成熟日期(常规)- 第三周 6月

生产力是 23000 公顷中的公斤数

耐寒性是 良好

原产国 美国

目前状况 - 现代

纽伯瑞(ORUS 1324-1)是一个无刺蔓生黑莓品种,来自农业部-科瓦利斯的农业研究服务育种计划,与俄勒冈州立大学农业试验站合作发布。虽然被选为加工市场上可机械采摘的浆果,但事实证明该果实作为利基市场的黑莓具有特殊价值,其独特的颜色、外观和不出血的倾向使其与其他黑莓不同。选择Newberry这个名字有两个原因--几年来,这种浆果在加利福尼亚的农贸市场上被非正式地称为New Berry,同时也是为了承认它的根源,因为Newberry火山是俄勒冈州中部著名的地质特征和公园地区。

品种的评论 纽伯瑞 (Newberry)

评论 从 [DREW51]
Newberry is one of my favorites. The berries are purple with a reddish juice (on my middle finger) taste like blackberries, then you get a very distinct raspberry aftertaste. Magnificent! Has over 35 cultivars in it’s lineage. Including Marion, Boysen and Logan. An amazing fruit, man should be proud of what we have achieved making wilds taste better and much more productive. Newberry is a very rich tasting blackberry that you can taste the raspberry genes in the mix. At first I didn’t notice, but as the plant matured the berries took on this raspberry aftertaste. It may not be hardy here. I protect it with my figs. Productive, large berry. Not as tart if you let hang till calyx is crispy and berry is soft. Good for fresh eating. Top shelf flavor, I love this berry It is thorny though!