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纳瓦霍族人的大而无当 (Navaho Big And Early)

 7 评论

日期: 2023-01-17, 更新: 2022-03-03


植物是 无荆棘

灌木丛有 竖立 甘蔗

果实重量为 6 克

浆果有一个 锥形 形状

果实习性 花卉类果实(夏季结果的)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第四周 5月

成熟日期(常规)- 第三周 6月

生产力是 3 每棵植物的公斤数

耐寒性是 中等水平

原产国 瑞士

目前状况 - 过时或很少使用

纳瓦霍大早是晚熟的花卉品种,由Lubera AG公司从纳瓦霍原始栽培品种中挑选出来。这种完全无刺、健壮、朴实的植物和母本纳瓦霍一样有活力,有3-5个非常直立的强壮茎,不需要棚架。第一朵花在5月底或6月初出现,收获季节在7月底开始,9月底结束。花是粉红色的,或带有粉红色阴影的白色。浆果很大(6-7克),略微拉长,大小相同,有黑色的光泽,它们非常多汁,但特别坚固。味道和气味都非常诱人。收获量很大,每株2-4公斤,在良好的土壤中超过4公斤。
为了在春季实现充分的破芽,冬季的寒冷要求(低于5-7摄氏度)约为700至800小时。在寒冷的北方地区,需要有冬棚。 纳瓦霍大早对许多细菌性疾病具有良好的抗性。

品种的评论 纳瓦霍族人的大而无当 (Navaho Big And Early)

Our blackberry Bigandearly® ripens very early, in mid-summer. Don't prune the Blackberry Navaho® Bigandearly® (Rubus fruticosus) in autumn. In spring you can cut the side shoots and the top of the plant shorter.
Fruit plants are not only for their fruit. They are also fo their flowers. Look here at the wonderful blossom of Bigandearly. The blackberry blooms of this Lubera variety has also a little hint of rose.
评论 从 [5]
From flowering late May or early June the picking season is usually very late July to late Sept. In the UK and colder climates. First berry ripening time is 55 to 60 days from first inception of flowers. By the way the fruits are exceptionally firm, firmer than Chester Thornlesss which is considered the finest of all! This plant after 8-10 years, if planted in heavy soil will also stop producing canes from the cane and start sprouting new canes from its roots 2 metres away in search of nutrients especially, if the soil is exhausted. It is also extremely upright. Yields can be 4kg+ in good soil. It is vigorous with its new canes just like its parent plant Navaho. It can also double drop late in the season with newer basal shoots on lower parts of existing fruiting cane and showing some primocane activity by cropping again the following year unlike the usual pattern of once flowering the whole cane/shoot is dead after fruiting that same year!
评论 从 [ALLAN]
It's a nice plant to grow Navaho Bigandearly. My daughter bought me one a few years back after retiring. About 75% of its very big fruits ripen anytime from mid July to late July in a fairly concentrated period of 3 to 4 weeks.

If you are lucky to get the sun the rest will ripen mid August to mid Sept otherwise its best to chop the plant down like other thornless types as the fruit never ripen. Yields are moderate 4 to 6 pounds per plant on two canes usually, but are very firm fruits resistant to mould and pesky flies. Good to grow in a large container as I do and easy to tend.

评论 从 [JED]
Finished my 3 year trial of Navaho BigandEarly and is a very disease resistant compact growing plant. 1st year establishing- no crop of course; 2nd year 1.82 kg of quality fruit; this year picked 450 fruits, discarded 50 late Aug as no chance of ripening. A few early ripening ones were lost to hungry birds in July.

Most ripened from mid July to mid Aug with final small batch into Sept first week. Final weight was 2.5 kg from two canes, with the plant putting out four more new canes for next year. Average fruit weight of 100 fruits was 625 g as well as total yield so a very uniform plant overall. Some fruits weighing 7.5 g. Fruit is very firm and juicy with small seeds. Pleasantly mildly sweet when fully ripe.

Great garden plant much better than blackberry Helen which is too acidic and disease prone. This Navaho has some ornamental value as the flowers are a pretty rose pink and the plant is very stout and upright. It survived some poorly drained soil in my garden without problems. Verdict: ideal plant.

评论 从 [RICHARD]
The Navaho Summerlong may well be one of the earliest fruiting blackberries due to its flowering pattern. It flowers mid May to Mid June. Barely 4 weeks or so. The fruits set well and are quick forming for a late July or earlier ripening. Ideal season and good yields.

The Navaho Early has a better flower display, but is more erratic in ripening evenly. More disease prone too and its vigor declines after only a few years.

评论 从 [K. RICE]
We bought a Navaho BigandEarly last year online. Last year it has cropped really well from the last week in July until end of August giving big blackberries. There are still loads of undeveloped green fruits on its stems, but with the heavy showers and lack of sun unlikely to ever ripen in this very wet Aug month.