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小红莓 (Boysenberry)

 1 评论

日期: 2023-01-23, 更新: 2023-01-23


Rubus subgenus Rubus 'Boysenberry'

源自于一个十字路口的 Raspberry x Blackberry x Loganberry

植物是 略带荆棘

灌木丛有 追踪 甘蔗

果实重量为 6 克

浆果有一个 长方形 形状

果实习性 花卉类果实(夏季结果的)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第四周 四月

成熟日期(常规)- 第三周 6月

耐寒性是 中等水平

原产国 美国

目前状况 - 现代

波森莓植株的藤条没有刺,很细而且是拖曳式的,因此灌木丛需要用棚架系统来支撑。新的替换茎可能有刺,所有的根芽都会有刺 它是早夏收获的品种。4月中旬,在博伊森的植株上可以看到第一批花,花色为白色。成熟的浆果在6月的第二周出现在花房上。浆果呈长方形或圆形(形状变化很大),多汁、大,完全成熟时呈深紫色或栗色。成熟浆果的味道是甜的,香气是浓郁的花香和丰富的果香。未成熟的浆果略带酸味。浆果很软,因此越橘不适合在新鲜市场销售,但它仍然经常在家庭园子里种植,在农贸市场上可以买到。商业化的越橘在未完全成熟时采收,带有红色的腮红。

品种的评论 小红莓 (Boysenberry)

评论 从 [BERRIQI]
Visit to Boysenberry New Zealand Fruit Farm with Julian Raine and Anagenix's Kathy Liu. BerriQi is a blend of Boysenberry and other proprietary ingredients, developed by Anagenix to support stressed lungs. Visit www.berriqi.com Anagenix is a New Zealand based company operating in the functional food and nutraceutical space. We work with crown research institutions in New Zealand to bring the best of New Zealand’s horticulture to the world of nutraceuticals. Our Science team collaborates with various universities and research institutions to run In-Vitro, In-Vivo and Clinical Studies on New Zealand plants and fruits. The Science, coupled with Anagenix’s proprietary method of processing the fruits ensure that our products have high bioavailability and are able to stand-up to the rigour of scientific testing.
Visit www.anagenix.com BerriQi®. Anagenix ltd. All rights reserved.