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黑魔法 (Black Magic)

 8 评论

日期: 2023-01-18, 更新: 2023-03-29


Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Black Magic'

源自于一个十字路口的 APF-12 x Arapaho

品种面额 'APF-77'

植物是 荆棘丛生

灌木丛有 竖立 甘蔗

果实重量为 6 克

浆果有一个 锥形 形状

可溶性固体 - 10.2%

酸度 - 0.5%

果实习性 初果期(常年累月)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第三周 四月

成熟日期(常规)- 第二周 6月

樱草的开花期在 第一周 6月

成熟日期(再成熟)- 第三周 八月

生产力是 4 每棵植物的公斤数

耐寒性是 中等水平

原产国 美国

专利 US PP24,249 P3 日期 2月 16, 2014

目前状况 - 过时或很少使用

黑魔术的植株生长旺盛,产量高,种植后建行迅速。初生型和花型的生长习性都是直立的。 初生植物的果实和花朵都结在藤条末端,在这个季节里,果实会沿着初生植物继续生长。在花芽出现之前,藤条通常达到大约120厘米长。藤条上开花的节数主要取决于夏末至秋季生长期的长度和条件,特别是这一时期的田间温度。
黑魔术 "品种表现出极好的果实肥力,核果饱满。花环果实和花簇是中等大小,聚伞状,大多生在植物冠层的外围,便于收获。花的繁殖力很高,花簇填充良好。成熟时果实适度结实,与APF-12相当。
由于核果发红、果实软化和贮藏过程中的渗漏,"黑魔术 "鲜果的贮藏潜力不能被接受用于运输。鲜果的风味非常好,比APF-12高。味道甜而微酸,有明显的黑莓香味。

如何栽培黑莓 黑魔法 (Black Magic)?

1. Avoid wet area when planted;
2. Annual pre-emergence and postemergence herbicide applications;
3. Annual spring nitrogen fertilization (56 kg/ha) using ammonium nitrate and additional fertilization with complete fertilizer in early July;
4. Tipping primocanes at 42 inches height two times each season usually in mid-June and late July or early August;
5. Dormant pruning of primocane-fruiting plants must include removing dead floricanes and removing primocane tissue to a point below the fruiting (flowering) area on the primocanes;
6. Dormant pruning of floricane-fruiting plants must include removing dead floricanes and pruning lateral branches to ~0.4 m in length;
7. Use hedgerow training system;
8. Use sun screens and grids. Plants are fertile and abundant unless temperatures at which temperature exceed 30-32 ° C (85-90 ° F) can damage flowers and anthers and pollen production can be reduced;
9. A single application of iron sulfate in late fall and lime sulfur in early spring;
10. The normal practice is cultivating Black Magic in high tunnels. This method allows you to get an earlier harvest.

品种的评论 黑魔法 (Black Magic)

评论 从 [DENNIS]
I purchased five of the Black Magic Blackberry plants for my large fruit garden. I planted them, and they came up very quickly. I was unable to pay very much attention to them due to writing a masters thesis for my college. I must say these plants fared very well in the intense North Carolina heat. This year they quickly sprang back to life and are getting ready to yield a huge amount of blackberries. I have also transplanted about 15 additional plants off of the runners produced by the original plants. I have very sandy soil, but these plants did not seem to mind. I have amended the soil and used fertilizer specifically for blackberries and raspberries. The soil drains very well, and I have mulched around the plants to trap in some of the moisture. After you buy your initial plants you will not need to buy anymore, unless you are looking for a large amount. They are also very easy to propagate on your own from what I have read. I am extremely happy with these plants so far, and I am sure anyone else will be as well.
评论 从 [ERIKA]
I bought 2 of these in spring 2018. They were small to start but I followed the directions and they produced a small amount weekly of some yummy berries in May and continued though August. I think the AZ heat was a bit much the first year but they kept growing through the summer. By spring of 2019 there were a lot more amazing fruit than the year before. This year I pruned like crazy and had to pull a lot of runners that sprouted out in random places. But, man, there are going to be more berries this year than the 4 of us can eat! So far I have picked 2 cups every other day. I'm going to be leaving them at neighbors' houses soon. The thorns are wicked but we are super careful. We have heavy clay soil with a pH of close to 8. I amended the soil with garden soil twice a year. The summers are 110+ degrees. Despite all of these things, they don't seem to mind and produce super sweet fruit. I would definitely buy again but we don't need to for a while.
Planted black magic last year. The plants grew slowly which is to be expected for their first year. This summer they are producing huge blackberries with wonderful flavor. Definitely recommend.
Planted in the spring shortly after they arrived. 6 months later I have a bumper crop of beautiful berries. Planted in full sun well drained soil. Basically forgot about them other than weeding and watering as needed. I will be purchasing more of these plants. Easy to grow and maintain.
评论 从 [ZENDOG]

I have a Black Magic from Gurney’s that I’ve gotten a very tasty couple of berries from and I look forward to see how it does this year. I only got a few, since it was dried out and almost dead when received, but it came up from the roots and is doing well in a pot now. This is a thorny variety that I think came out of the Arkansas breeding program and was licensed by Gurneys/HF and there is very little info on them. I believe these were sweeter than others in the program, but wasn’t firm enough for shipping and had thorns so wasn’t a candidate for commercial growers.

They are quite early with their spring berries (ahead of my Navaho and Sisiyou by about a week on flowering at least) and they do have primocane berries as well like a lot of the other Ark berries so berries in the fall as well. One review I saw talks about it surviving and producing in brutal heat and another talked about it fruiting almost non stop when it got going. Of course those are reviews on the retailers site, so we’ll see.

I think this is the first year I’ll get a reasonable number of berries if I protect it from the birds and then I can decide for myself. There is really very little information out there about this variety, so even the bit I know may all be wrong.