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婴儿蛋糕 (Babycakes APF-236T)

 8 评论

日期: 2023-01-17, 更新: 2023-03-09


Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Babycakes'

源自于一个十字路口的 APF-120T x APF-132T

品种面额 'APF-236T'

植物是 无荆棘

灌木丛有 竖立 甘蔗

果实重量为 6 克

浆果有一个 长方形 形状

可溶性固体 - 10.4%

酸度 - 1.02%

果实习性 初果期(常年累月)。

花椰菜的开花期开始于 第一周 5月

成熟日期(常规)- 第二周 6月

樱草的开花期在 第三周 七月

成熟日期(再成熟)- 第一周 9月

耐寒性是 良好

原产国 美国

专利 US PP27,032 P2 日期 八月 07, 2016

目前状况 - 过时或很少使用


品种的评论 婴儿蛋糕 (Babycakes APF-236T)

Grow your own blackberries next year with Baby Cakes® blackberry plant! Baby Cakes® is a small, thornless blackberry perfect for patio pots.

I have it in 7b north Georgia. True dwarf needs no staking berry quality is pretty good. In a colder zone it would be easy to insulate canes since they are so short. Could also be kept in pot and brought in garage to protect from cold.
In this video I am planting Bushel and Berries Baby Cakes variety blackberries. These blackberries are perfect for container gardening and they also make a great patio plant. If you are limited on space and want to grow blackberries, blueberries, or raspberries, Bushel and Berries has made varieties of fruit that is perfect for container gardening.
Ryan Glover with Glover Nursery describes what makes the Baby Cakes Blackberry bush so unique.
My Babycakes blackberry bush finally has some small fruit but it is nothing near normal. That is because I cut the bush last winter right to the base. This delayed my berries from arriving until the beginning of fall and the sun intensity just isn't enough this time of year to support big fruit.
The flowers have started blooming on my Babycakes Blackberry Bush. Within a month it will be loaded with fresh fruit for eating. Sweet, wonderful and easy to grow berries.
The Babycakes Blackberry Bush is super easy to grow and produces fairly sweet and somewhat sour blackberries. I love this plant because it is super low maintenance. All it needs is good water and at least 5 hours of sun and you will have an abundance of fruit all summer long.
评论 从 [JOSHUA T.]
I went this sight and was a little scared from ordering from them at 1st. Then I saw they give insurance on their plants for a dollar. That put my mind at ease. I live at an elevation of 9494. So we have very few plants that we can grow. It came with blooms and berries on it already!!!!!! I was excited! Plus the delivery was quick and right to my door. Was delivered during a snow storm and no frost damage. Now I am waiting for it warm up enough so I can take it out from underneath the grow light. Which mind you this plant has not skipped a beat from the transfer from the pot to the 5 gal. Producing flowers and berries even before it gets some real sun light. The price you pay is for quality. I have suckers that are long enough to clone. I am excited for this grow season