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Prime-Ark 45

 13 revisões

Data: 2022-03-28, atualizado: 2023-08-13

Amora espinhosa, vigorosa e prolífica, de duas estações de alto rendimento com frutas aromáticas firmes

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Prime-Ark 45'

Originado de uma cruz de APF-12 x APF-1

Denominação da variedade 'APF-45'

As plantas são espinhoso

Os arbustos têm correção bengalas

O peso da fruta é 5 g

As bagas têm um cônico forma

Sólidos solúveis - 9.7%

Acidez - 0.51%

O hábito de frutificar frutas primocaneas (sempre portadoras)

A floração em floricanes começa no primeira semana de maio

Data de maturação (normal) - segunda semana de junho

A floração em primocanes começa no segunda semana de julho

Data de amadurecimento (remontante) - terceira semana de agosto

A produtividade é 5 kg por planta

A resistência ao frio é moderado

É originário de Estados Unidos

Patente US PP22,449 P3 datação Janeiro 08, 2012

Situação atual - moderno ou amplamente utilizado

A variedade de amora preta Prime-Ark 45 (APF-45) foi introduzida para ampliar as escolhas deste tipo inovador e espinhoso de amora primocaneira.
Este tipo de frutas de amora preta de duas estações em canas da época atual (primocaneas) e em canas da segunda estação (floricanes), proporcionando potencialmente duas estações de cultivo, ambas frutas tradicionais de verão, além da produção no final do verão para o outono. As variedades tradicionais de amora em floricanes, que exigem que as canas sejam sobre-interpretadas e produzam uma safra. Este hábito frutífero tem o potencial de expandir a produção de amoras silvestres muito parecido com o que ocorreu com as framboesas vermelhas de frutas primocêntricas.
Além de ter bengalas sem espinhos, este Prime-Ark 45 produz bagas grandes com bom sabor e amadurece muito cedo em floricanes. As bagas do Prime-Ark 45 não apresentam um potencial excepcional de armazenagem pós-colheita, e não é recomendado para o mercado de transporte marítimo.
O comprimento médio dos primocanes é de cerca de 2 m. Os primocanes são fortes e vigorosos, mas espinhosos. As plantas gostam de colocação ao sol. As 45 bagas Prime-Ark são de tamanho médio-grande, o peso médio das bagas é de cerca de 4-6 g. A cor é preta. Cada planta produz grupos de bagos, como um cacho de uvas. A primeira safra começa a se formar em primocães em meados de junho e continua de três a quatro semanas. Durante esta primeira safra, Prime-Ark 45 produz intensivamente primocanos, que logo começam a florir. Esta é a segunda estação de colheita, continua até as primeiras geadas.
Após o final da segunda estação de colheita, Prime-Ark 45 requer abrigo de inverno contra geadas, congelamento e vento frio, pois a friagem desta variedade de amora é moderada, cerca de menos 13..17 C.

Como cultivar o Prime-Ark 45?

1. Avoid wet area when planted new bushes;
2. Annual spring nitrogen fertilization (56 kg/ha) using ammonium nitrate;
3. Additional fertilization (23 kg/ha) after the floricane crop production is completed in July;
4. Tipping primocanes at 42 inch height two times each season usually in mid-June and late July or early August;
5. Dormant pruning of primocane-fruiting plants must include removing dead floricanes and removing primocane tissue to a point below the fruiting (flowering) area on the primocanes;
6. Dormant pruning of floricane-fruiting plants must include removing dead floricanes and pruning lateral branches to ~ 0.4 m in length;
7. A single application of iron sulfate in late fall (October) and lime sulfur (94 L/ha) at budbreak in early spring;
8. Plant spacing at least 0.6 m;
9. Use sun shelters.

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Reviews of the variety Prime-Ark 45

Review de [Dmitrii Z]
Addon to my previous review. Drought-resistant, has tasty berries. The main drawback is its thorns and termination of pollination at the air temperatures over 30 C.
Review de [Dmitrii Z]
First year growing and fruiting of Prime-Ark 45 (uncovered in winter)
Review de [BERRY THAI]
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อัปเดตแบล็คเบอรี่ข้างบ้าน พันธุ์ prime ark 45 | ปลูกแบล็คเบอรี่
EMCO CAL - APF 45 Blackberry Variety - English Subtitles
Dr. John R. Clark describes Prime-Ark 45, the first primocane-fruiting blackberry with high quality storage and shipping characteristics for the commercial fruit industry. Prime-Ark 45 is the third of four primocane-fruiting blackberries released by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.
Review de [CLARKINKS]
We love prime ark 45’s they are beyond my best expecations. Not often does something exceed what we expected to extend the blackberry season. These pictures were taken September 10th. They show no signs of slowing down. They are still blooming! Prime ark freedom continue to be a dissapointment so far at my location. When people taste these test crop berries 100% of the time they say they are very good but not as good as my family heirloom berries that ripen in July. For extending the blackberry harvest these are exactly what you want. They are hardy but as hardy as the heirlooms. These must be very well cared for the first two years to get them established. My mother came out to look at them and after eating some she proclaimed they were pretty good for a tame berry but nothing like the family heirloom we grow. I mentioned to her that perhaps crosses between the two would improve the genetics on both. She looked at me like i suggested releasing tazmanian devils for a breeding project. If the heirlooms of my grandfathers blackberries pick up the everbearing gene naturally they would be unstoppable because the seeds readily sprout as it is with wide gentic variation.
Review de [CLARKINKS]
In my experience primeark45 in Kansas is truly everbearing with large , good tasting berries. Freedom thornless does ok but not as good as 45. I did not give them much special care to test how they truly would do in a really big planting. There are many more productive berries that can be planted if a single large crop is wanted. 45 is what should be planted for s continuos crop. The photo above was 25 days ago when these were mostly small berries and blooms. These test crops of Prime ark 45 turned out very good! Freedom planted at the same time did not produce berries. Primeark 45 had some large berries even on these smaller plants. The berries started ripening in Late June (ate a few) and are still producing today on July 4th! They may produce up until the time of my main blackberry harvest on July 20th. These are all good signs but we will see what fall brings! These are Very very promising black berries! Flavor and disease resistance have been very good. These look like they will fit my needs extending the blackberry harvest.
Review de [MosBerry]
This cultivar I've planted in last year at the middle of summer. Prime-Ark 45 almost immediately started to produce primocanes and bloom. Thorns number were less than Kiowa. I've received harvest from floricanes and from primocanes. Last harvest was at the beginning of October, but some drupelets of berries were not ripen.