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Anastácia Wyeberry

 1 revisões

Data: 2021-08-18, atualizado: 2023-01-28

Este híbrido de amora e framboesa com frutas muito saborosas é mais produtivo que o Tayberry e o Loganberry

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Anastasia Wyeberry'

As plantas são espinhoso

Os arbustos têm rastejando bengalas

O peso da fruta é 10 g

As bagas têm um arredondado forma

O hábito de frutificar frutas floricaneiras (de verão)

A floração em floricanes começa no quarta semana de abril

Data de maturação (normal) - segunda semana de junho

A produtividade é 6 kg por planta

A resistência ao frio é moderado

É originário de Estados Unidos

Situação atual - obsoleto ou raramente utilizado

Anastácia Wyeberry (um grupo de framboesas) é um cruzamento entre as amoras silvestres americanas orientais e ocidentais com híbridos de framboesas vermelhas e espécies nativas.
Estas plantas são muito parecidas com as Tayberries, embora as Wyeberries sejam muito mais produtivas. Os frutos vermelho escuro (ou com um tom roxo) são muito saborosos, coesivos, relativamente firmes e muito grandes (3-4 cm de comprimento, até 15 g de peso por baga). As plantas Anastácia Wyeberry são moderadamente espinhosas, muito vigorosas e mais resistentes ao frio do que a Tayberry e a Loganberry. Os arbustos têm hábito rasteiro e precisam de uma boa e forte treliça, pois o rendimento é muito alto em relação ao peso total. Mas a quantidade de frutas não é numerosa. A floração começa no final de abril, a época de colheita é precoce - as primeiras bagas amadurecem na segunda semana de junho. A resistência a pragas e doenças é muito boa. Anastácia Wyeberry gosta de lugares ao sol, mas a tolerância ao calor é justa.

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Reviews of the variety Anastácia Wyeberry

Review de [DREW51]
I bought 7 blackberry or blackberry/raspberry hybrids this year. The smallest put in was the wyeberry at only 4 inches, one cane, which grew to 6 inches and produced 14 berries!! 3 primocanes were also produced, but the longest is only 4 feet. Most of the others planted have 6 foot or longer primocanes. So it's not a very vigorous grower. Hard to say as the original plant was so darn small!
Sorry no photos, I was too interested in tasting them and ate them before I took any pictures. Some are still ripening and I will take a pic.
They are red in color, firm,and probably taste like tayberries. Unlike tayberries they are very firm. The fruit is quite tart unless left to ripen to death.
The flavor is rich and I keep thinking with the tartness will make some excellent jam. If left on the cane longer, it does sweeten up. One can tell when ripe as it turns from rock hard to slightly soft. Size of the wyeberry is decent too.
Most of the canes on my blackberries that were bare root florocanes did produce fruit. Many new primocanes are also being produced. In ground these plants are very prolific although growth was slow at first, and currently is growing like crazy! Triple Crown has been described as a good berry, decent. I must say if this is a middle of the road berry then I'm excited, as the flavor for me was fantastic!
Having for years only being able to eat store bought blackberries, even plants reported as having a poor taste are probably light years ahead of anything I tasted.
I can't wait to next year to get a much larger harvest.
I'm going to add more blackberry plants too, make room somewhere.
On a side note I foraged a bunch of wild blackberries. they are super small. Smaller than domestic raspberries. So tart almost inedible raw. But the jam made from them was declared the best I ever made by family and friends. it reminds me I need rich flavored but high acid berries. The early or barely ripe wyeberry fits this bill perfectly.