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 3 reviews

Date: 2021-05-20, updated: 2024-03-20

Brazilian blackberry variety for warm South regions

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Xingu'

Originated from a cross of Tupi x Arapaho

Variety denomination 'Xingu', tested as Black 164

Plants are thorny

Bushes have semi-erect canes

Fruit weight is 7 g

Berries have a rounded shape

Soluble solids - 8.9%

Acidity - 0.83%

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Productivity is 2.5 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is low

Country of origin Brazil

Current status - modern or widely used

Blackberry Xingu is Brasilian cultivar, selected from blackberries Tupy and US Arapaho. This variety is semi-erect, thorny, floricane-fruiting plant, very similar to parent Tupy (but more productive and has a longer harvest season).
In Brazil area Xingu starts to bloom on the last week of November, first berries ripen on the third week of January.
Fruits are reddish-black, tending to oblong in shape, from medium to large size (weight about 7-8 g, length is about 27 mm, diameter is about 22 mm) and good firmness. The taste is sweet-acid, predominating acidity. Yield is moderate, up to 3 kg per plant. Postharvest characteristics are well, transportability is high.
Xingu needs from 200 to 300 hours of hibernal time with air temperatures below 7 C, but this plant is primarily intended for warm South areas like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and others.

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Review from [PLANTANDO TUDO]
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A Embrapa Clima Temperado apresentou recentemente sua 7ª cultivar de amora-preta, a BRS Xingu. O período de colheita e o sabor são as principais características que diferem de outras, como a tradicional BRS Tupy.
BRS Xingu é originária de cruzamento realizado em 2003 entre a cultivar Tupy e a cultivar americana ‘Arapaho', a cultivar BRS Xingu é semelhante ao seu parental materno, se distinguindo pela maturação um pouco mais tardia. Essa cultivar tem a mesma faixa de adaptação da cultivar Tupy, ou seja, áreas com 200 a 300 horas de acúmulo de temperatura hibernal abaixo de 7,2 ºC. As frutas são preto-avermelhadas, de tamanho médio a grande e boa firmeza. O sabor é doce-ácido. As frutas da BRS Xingu apresentam muito boa conservação pós-colheita e são consideradas boa opção para o consumo in natura