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 6 reviews

Date: 2021-09-07, updated: 2024-01-30

Commercial cultivar with low chill requirements for South hemisphere areas

Rubus subgenus Rubus 'Tupy'

Originated from a cross of Uruguay x Comanche

Variety denomination 'Tupy'

Plants are thorny

Bushes have trailing canes

Fruit weight is 5 g

Berries have a rounded shape

Soluble solids - 8.7%

Acidity - 0.9%

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Productivity is 1.9 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is low

Country of origin Brazil

Current status - modern or widely used

The Tupy blackberry is the result of a cross between the Uruguay and Comanche varieties. This is global floricane-fruiting commercial cultivar in such regions as South and Central America. Stems are trailing, very thorny and vigorous. Tupy has high yield and very good fruit quality. It produces black firm fruits with excellent postharvest potential. Averaged berry weight is 5-7 g. Yield is about 5000 kg/ha (1.8 - 2.0 kg per plant). In the South Hemisphere harvesting begins in middle-late November and continues up to February, so fresh berries ships in many countries.
Heat tolerance is excellent. Tupy requires a normally chill of about 200 hours, but can be reduced. Some researches shows, that the cultivation of Tupy in mild winter regions (for example - subtropical areas) allows the harvest before the traditional harvesting period. This has an important market impact because it makes commercialization of fresh berries possible during periods of lower supply.
Table 1. Yield, average berry weight and harvest season duration of Tupy cultivar in Brazil
Year Harvesting date Berry weight, g/fruit Yield, kg/plant
First Last
2013 19/11 18/12 6.1 2.2
2014 12/11 05/01 5.5 2.8
2015 16/11 29/01 5.5 2.0
2016 09/11 29/12 5.0 0.8
2017 17/11 30/01 4.6 1.5
Avg. 14/11 10/01 5.3 1.91

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Review from [DOĞA VE DOĞA]
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A embrapa clima temperado foi responsável pelo desenvolvimento da variedade de amora preta mais cultivada no mundo, a Tupy. Esta cultura é uma ótima alternativa de produção, principalmente para os pequenos agricultores já que ela tem ótima adaptação ao clima do Rio Grande do Sul e não requer investimentos muito grandes. Países como o méxico comprovam a viabilidade do negócio.
Review from [@STEWARTWAINE]

Rubus Tupi blackberry, a thorny character this one

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