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 2 reviews

Date: 2020-11-21, updated: 2023-03-09

First commercial cultivar of primocane-fruiting blackberry

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Prime-Jan'

Originated from a cross of Arapaho x Ark. 1836

Variety denomination 'APF-8'

Plants are thorny

Bushes have erect canes

Fruit weight is 5 g

Berries have a oblong shape

Soluble solids - 9.6%

Acidity - 0.97%

Fruiting habit primocane-fruiting (everbearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the fourth week of April

Ripening date (regular) - second week of June

Blooming on primocanes starts in the third week of June

Ripening date (remontant) - third week of July

Productivity is 3 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is moderate

Country of origin United States

Patent US PP15,788 P2 dated June 05, 2005

Current status - obsolete or rarely used

Recommended replacement - APF-153T

Prime-Jan (patented as APF-8) was the first commercial cultivars of primocane-fruiting blackberry. This type of fruiting habit has the potential to revolutionize blackberry production much-like that occurring in primocane-fruiting red raspberries. This blackberry variety was intended primarily for home-garden production and for limited commercial trial evaluations. The source of the primocane-fruiting trait in this cultivar was the deploid cultivar Hillquist. Name of Prime-Jan was selected to honor Janita and James N. Moore, who founded the University of Arkansas fruit breeding program in 1964.
Canes of Prime-Jan are thorny and erect, vigorous. If primocanes are tipped at 1 to 1.3 m to control length and encourage lateral branching, Prime-Jan can be grown in a hedgerow without trellis support. However, support of canes during fruiting is recommended.
Average yield on floricanes is about 13 t/ha, on primocanes - about 3 t/ha. Average berry weight on floricanes and primocanes is about 5 g. Berries of Prime-Jan are blocky, conical, black with glossy finish. Fruit shape varies on primocanes and quality factors including glossiness and color are affected by heat. Also observed doubled fruits. Floricane bloom date is the end of April or beginning of May, primocane bloom date is the middle of June. Floricane harvest date is the second week of June, primocane first ripe fruit date is the third week of July. Flowering continues until first frosts. High air temperature can cause profound reductions in flowering. This variety requires winter shelter, winter hardiness is about minus 13 C.

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