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 1 review

Date: 2020-06-30, updated: 2023-03-29

Vigorous and high-yielding cultivar with excellent quality, large, deep purple fruit

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Newberry'

Originated from a cross of ORUS 834-5 x ORUS 1045-14

Variety denomination 'Newberry', tested as ORUS 1324-1

Plants are thorny

Bushes have trailing canes

Fruit weight is 7 g

Berries have a conical shape

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the first week of June

Ripening date (regular) - third week of July

Productivity is 23000 kg from ha

Cold hardiness is good

Country of origin United States

Current status - obsolete or rarely used

Newberry (ORUS 1324-1) is a thornless trailing blackberry variety from the Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service breeding program in Corvallis, released in cooperation with the Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station. While selected as a mechanically harvestable berry for the processing market, the fruit has proven to be of particular value as a niche fresh market blackberry where its unique color, appearance, and tendency not to bleed set it apart from other blackberries. The Newberry name was chosen for two reasons - the berry has been informally sold as New Berry in California farmers markets for a few years and to recognize its roots, because Newberry Volcano is prominent geological feature and park area in central Oregon.
Primocanes and floricanes are very vigorous without thorns. The flowering and fruiting laterals are as long as those of Marion but tend to be weaker and bend downward. The combination of extreme vigor and downward-hanging flowering laterals could lead to several layers of fruiting laterals reducing air circulation and creating potential disease and machine harvest problems.
Newberry is high-yielding, slightly more than Marion, Black Diamond and Loch Ness, about 23 t/ha. The harvest season for Newberry is similar to that of Marion and is earlier than Waldo. In northern regions Newberry’s season is similar to that of Black Diamond and Wild Treasure. Newberry consistently produced fruits that have average weight about 7 g.
Newberry’s fruit color is too purple, comparable to Boysen. Newberry fruit shape is more similar to Boysen than the preferable conic blackberry. Newberry had much noticeable seeds. The flavor is full with a good sugar and acid balance. Newberry demonstrates aт excellent resistance to winter injury and different diseases.

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Reviews of the variety Newberry

Review from [DREW51]
Newberry is one of my favorites. The berries are purple with a reddish juice (on my middle finger) taste like blackberries, then you get a very distinct raspberry aftertaste. Magnificent! Has over 35 cultivars in it’s lineage. Including Marion, Boysen and Logan. An amazing fruit, man should be proud of what we have achieved making wilds taste better and much more productive. Newberry is a very rich tasting blackberry that you can taste the raspberry genes in the mix. At first I didn’t notice, but as the plant matured the berries took on this raspberry aftertaste. It may not be hardy here. I protect it with my figs. Productive, large berry. Not as tart if you let hang till calyx is crispy and berry is soft. Good for fresh eating. Top shelf flavor, I love this berry It is thorny though!