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 1 review

Date: 2021-06-24, updated: 2023-03-09

This cultivar has sour taste with cherry color, but big uniformed juicy fruits

Rubus subgenus Rubus fruticosus 'Helen'

Originated from a cross of Silvan x Unknown blackberry

Variety denomination 'Helen'

Plants are thornless

Bushes have trailing canes

Fruit weight is 8 g

Berries have a conical shape

Soluble solids - 6.1%

Acidity - 2.2%

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the first week of June

Ripening date (regular) - third week of July

Productivity is 2 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is moderate

Country of origin United Kingdom

Current status - obsolete or rarely used

Recommended replacement - Columbia Star

Helen - thornless blackberry raised from a cross between Silvan and unknown (unnamed) variety. The plant is completely thornless, height is 1,5-2 m, internodes are very short (about 10 cm). Helen gives a numerous sprouts from roots. Commences to ripen at the middle of July. The fruits are large (8-10 g), long and conical in shape, have a dark color and bright regular appearance, very juicy. Yield is low, 2 kg/plant. The smell is excellent, rich and aromatic. Taste is specific, with some cherry color. Often ripen berries have sour taste. Firmness is very low, ripen berries breaks down, so Helen's berries can't be transportated. This variety gives a numerous sprouts from roots. Winter hardiness is minus 20 C.

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Reviews of the variety Helen

Review from [MosBerry]
I have uprooted Helen. This is a garbage for private garden. Berries are very soft and juicy, harvesting of this variety is terrible, as though the berries are overripe. Tried to crop premature fruit, but the taste was very acidic.