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Direttissima Montblanc

 1 review

Date: 2021-03-01, updated: 2023-03-09

First direct bearing blackberry cultivar for small gardens and pots

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Direttissima Montblanc'

Variety denomination 'Direttissima Montblanc'

Plants are thorny

Bushes have erect canes

Fruit weight is 10 g

Berries have a conical shape

Fruiting habit primocane-fruiting only

Flowering on floricanes starts in the fourth week of June

Ripening date (regular) - fourth week of July

Cold hardiness is moderate

Country of origin Switzerland

Current status - modern or widely used

Direttissima Montblanc is the first direct bearing blackberry cultivar from Lubera AG, Switzerland. Like an autumn raspberry, it can be cut down to a height of about 15 cm at the end of February or the beginning of March, it will then immediately start to grow new shoots, then bloom at the end of June and finally, it will bear fruit in the same year from the end of July until mid-August. This variety based on the breeding work of Jim Moore and John Clark of the University of Arkansas. Direttissima Montblanc has thorns and can sometimes grow up to a height of 150-200 cm. Direttissima Montblanc stays compact, robust and bushy when it is trimmed to 50 cm in May. The plant has uniform, large, white flowers and it forms huge, jet-black blackberries from mid-August. Berries are very large, mildly sweet and tart with a good flavor. The first direct bearing blackberry Direttissima Montblanc is suitable for small gardens or for containers.

Useful Growing Guides:

Reviews of the variety Direttissima Montblanc

Die Brombeere 'Montblanc' haben wir vor einigen Jahren gezüchtet. Sie ist eine von den ersten Primocane Brombeeren, die an den diesjährigen Ruten Früchte trägt und auch an den zweijährigen Ruten. Sie hat schöne, grosse, recht weiche Früchte. Im Mund fällt zuallererst die Weichheit der Textur auf, die Brombeere zerschmilzt regelrecht auf der Zunge. Sie ist süss, hat Parfum Aroma und ein leicht säuerliches Ende. Ein fantastisches Esserlebnis!