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Dima (Tiny Black)

Date: 2021-05-11, updated: 2023-03-09

Dwarf blackberry cultivar for planting in pots and terraces

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Dima (Tiny Black)'

Originated from a cross of Relevant x Unknown blackberry

Variety denomination 'Dima'

Plants are thornless

Bushes have erect canes

Fruit weight is 4 g

Berries have a rounded shape

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the second week of June

Ripening date (regular) - third week of July

Productivity is 1 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is excellent

Country of origin Moldova, Republic of

Current status - modern or widely used

Blackberry Dima (Tiny Black) is early-ripening floricane-fruiting dwarf variety, perfectly suitable as pot culture.
This cultivar selected in 2017 in the Republic of Moldova. Blackberry Relevant was one of the parents of this cultivar.
Bushes are compact, semi-erected, fully thornless. Internodes are very short (about 11 mm). The cultivar grows to approximately 50 cm in height. If Dima (Tiny Black) bush is planted in the semi-shade place, the internodes will lengthen and plant will grow taller. Shading up to two hours a day causes doubling the average length of the internodes, shading with plastic grid increases the leaf surface and extends the distance between nodes up to 35 mm.
Flowers are white, finer than the Relevant variety. Fruit are black, glossy, firm, egg-shaped, ripen in the second half of July. The average weight of a single fruit is about 4 g. Taste is similar to the Relevant variety - sweet and sour. 
Winter hardiness of Dima (Tiny Black) is high, up to minus 23 C.

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