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Date: 2021-03-18, updated: 2022-03-23

Prickly primocane-fruiting blackberry from Chile in cooperation with John Clark

Rubus subgenus Rubus 'Camila'

Originated from a cross of APF-77 x APF-109T

Variety denomination 'Camila', tested as HFM-5

Plants are thorny

Bushes have erect canes

Fruit weight is 6 g

Berries have a oblong shape

Soluble solids - 15.1%

Acidity - 0.7%

Fruiting habit primocane-fruiting (everbearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the second week of April

Ripening date (regular) - first week of June

Blooming on primocanes starts in the third week of June

Ripening date (remontant) - fourth week of July

Productivity is 2,5 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is low

Country of origin Chile

Patent US PP 26,368 P3 dated February 01, 2016

Current status - modern or widely used

Blackberry Camila (also known as HFM-5) is prickly primocane-fruiting variety from South America, Chile. This cultivar was breed by Chilean inventors Maria Pilar Banados Ortiz and Alejandra Andrea Salgado Rojas collaboratively with John R. Clark from Arkansas University, United States. The maternal parent of Camila is Black Magic (APF-77) variety. Camila blackberry was first selected in December 2008 in the variety garden at Nogales, Fifth Region of Valparaiso, Chile.
Plants of Camila blackberry have medium vegetative vigor and an erect grown habit. New primocanes emerge mainly from the crown and also as suckers from the roots. The growth rate is medium, with primocanes reaching 80 cm in height within one month from emergence. Productivity is medium low in the first (primocane crop), but yields are high with each successive floricane and primocane crop cycle. Productivity is high, yields average 2 kg and 2,9 kg of fruit per meter of row, on the floricane and on the primocane cycles, retrospectively.
The fruits of Camila are medium to large sized (about 6 g), firm, very sweet and with very good flavor. They have good black color which is uniform and glossy, very attractive. The fruits have a low rate of regression to red drupelets in post harvest storage. 
Average first ripe date for primocanes is one week before Arkansas cultivar Prime-Jan. Dates of bloom in Southern Hemisphere are 20th of December (10% bloom), 30th of December (50% bloom), 2nd week of January (last bloom). Flowers have pure white color and are 3-4 cm in diameter. Average first ripe date in Chile is 10th of February. The primocane harvest lasts for approximately 50 days.
Dates of bloom on floricanes in Southern Hemisphere are 10th of October (10% bloom), 20th of October (50% bloom), last week of October (last bloom). Average first ripe date in Chile is 8th of December. The floricane harvest lasts for about 35 days.
Ultimate cold hardiness is unknown, but in Chile dormant plants have resisted midwinter lows of minus 3 C without damage.

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