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Black Jack

Date: 2021-03-19, updated: 2022-03-29

A complement or partial replace for a lot of older thorny and thornless, creeping and erect varieties

Rubus subgenus Rubus 'Black Jack'

Originated from a cross of Loch Ness x Sweet Peter

Variety denomination 'Black Jack', tested as CPC-1VB

Plants are thornless

Bushes have semi-erect canes

Fruit weight is 14 g

Berries have a conical shape

Soluble solids - 11.3%

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the second week of June

Ripening date (regular) - fourth week of July

Productivity is 2.5 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is moderate

Country of origin United States

Patent US 2014/0230110 P1 dated August 12, 2014

Current status - modern or widely used

Black Jack (CPC-1VB) blackberry was presented as cultivar, which can complement or partial replace a lot of older thorny and thornless, creeping and erect varieties. The main goal of this breeding was obtaining the variety with combination of large fruit size, excellent firmness and sweetness. Inventors of this variety was Harry J. Swartz (Maryland, US) and Peter Edward Vinson (Kent, GB).
The following of Black Jack cultivar characteristics are outstanding:
1. Сanes are vigorous, floricane-fruiting, completely thornless and semi upright after the first growing season.
2. The season of production can exceed 6 weeks.
3. Production of very large thick fruit up to 4 cm in length.
4. Production of fruit which is very firm and has low acid taste and high soluble solids.
Average berries weight is about 14 g, some fruit can reach 24 g. Typical length of ripe berry averages 3.3 cm long and 2.6 cm in diameter. Black Jack fruit are cohesive and firm and will not leak pigment in normal transport and storage. Black Jack is low in acid by taste and high in soluble solids.
Without tunnels fruit is ripe beginning the last week in July. Fruit harvest lasts until late August with the 95% ripe date of the end of August.

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