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Black Butte

 2 reviews

Date: 2021-06-30, updated: 2023-03-09

One of the largest berries from all known today blackberry cultivars, but has low productivity

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Black Butte'

Originated from a cross of ORUS 728-3 x ORUS 830-4

Variety denomination 'Black Butte', tested as ORUS 1129-1

Plants are slightly thorny

Bushes have trailing canes

Fruit weight is 10 g

Berries have a oblong shape

Soluble solids - 9.5%

Acidity - 1.5%

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the first week of May

Ripening date (regular) - fourth week of June

Productivity is 2 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is moderate

Country of origin United States

Current status - obsolete or rarely used

Recommended replacement - Columbia Giant

This not new Oregon's variety demonstrates one of the largest berries from all known today blackberry cultivars. It's fruit are really huge, have uniform cylindrical shape and deep black color. Berries are about 25 mm in diameter and 50 mm long. Some berries weight can achieve more than 20 g (typically 9-12 g). Black Butte has thin thorny trailing stems, but spines density and size are significantly less than other giant cultivars (Kiowa or Karaka Black, for example). Stems length is about 2 m, bushes are not very vigorous and high (up to 2 m).
Black Butte's berries ripen in late June or beginning of July, plants blossom in early May. In contrast to large berries, Black Butte's productivity is not high, 1-3 kg per plant. Fruit are placed at the end of laterals, can be picked up easily. Ripen berries, in most cases, have taste with strongly pronounced acid.
Cold hardiness is moderate, up to minus 15 C, variety requires winter shelters.

Useful Growing Guides:

Reviews of the variety Black Butte