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Balsors Hardy

Date: 2021-06-09, updated: 2022-01-20

Canadian blackberry cultivar with small fruit have extremely high cold hardiness

Plants are slightly thorny

Bushes have semi-erect canes

Fruit weight is 7 g

Berries have a rounded shape

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the third week of July

Ripening date (regular) - fourth week of August

Cold hardiness is extremely high

Country of origin Canada

Current status - obsolete or rarely used

Balsors Hardy is superb hardy variety of blackberry from Nova Scotia, Canada.
This is semi-erect, late-ripening, second year fruiting cultivar. Plants are not extensive but vigorous. Starts to bloom in the middle of July, harvest season continues from late August to the end of September. Balsors Hardy produces large (about 6 g), sweet and fragrant black glossy berries. Fruit's firmness is not good, transportability and storage potential are low. Winter hardiness is extremely high, up to minus 34 C.

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