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Date: 2021-11-11, updated: 2023-01-28

This old American variety has large reddish thorns, but juicy and firm attractive berries

Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson 'Bailey'

Plants are thorny

Bushes have erect canes

Fruit weight is 5 g

Berries have a conical shape

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Flowering on floricanes starts in the first week of June

Ripening date (regular) - fourth week of July

Cold hardiness is good

Country of origin United States

Current status - obsolete or rarely used

Recommended replacement - Osage

Bailey blackberry cultivar originated from a cross made in 1929, but owing to a lost label, the parentage is not known. It was introduced in the fall of 1950 as suitable new variety for culture in New York state with great fruit crop. Bailey was named in honor of Dr. L. H. Bailey, Horticulturist and formerly Dean of the College of Agriculture at Cornell University, who for many years studied intensively the blackberries of North America.
Bailey is a vigorous and productive midseason-ripening plant that has withstood the winters with very little injury. The numerous long prickles are no worse than those of the older varieties, but the fruit is borne out in the open where the pickers can reach it without much trouble, and if the rows are kept narrow, the prickles will not be too troublesome. Leaves have five large, ovate, abruptly pointed leaflets. The juicy berries are uniformly large, attractive, moderately firm, sub acid and have a good quality. They ripen with or slightly after Eldorado. Shape is cylindrical, conic at apex. Drupelets are numerous, have medium size with glossy black color. Core is soft. Bailey was recommended for trial for market and for the home garden. Bushes of Bailey are tall, upright, productive and propagating by suckers and root cuttings.

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