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 1 review

Date: 2021-09-21, updated: 2022-01-20

Productive variety is tolerate to cold and moderate climates with low average temperature

Originated from a cross of Mutation of Castilla (Andean berry)

Plants are thornless

Bushes have semi-erect canes

Fruit weight is 5 g

Berries have a conical shape

Fruiting habit floricane fruiting (summer-bearing)

Productivity is 7 kg per plant

Cold hardiness is good

Country of origin Ecuador

Current status - modern or widely used

Andimora developed in Ecuador by National Autonomous Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP) as a mutation of the blackberry Castilla (Andean berry). Variety is tolerate to cold and moderate climates of the highland Andes, where average temperature is from 12 to 17 C. Its main distinctive characteristic from Castilla is thornless, so it can be handled with bare hands.
Semi-upright stems are from 4 to 8 mm in diameter, have cylindrical shape and reddish purple color. Plants are not vigorous, but spreading.
Fruit of Andimora blackberry are medium in size, have averaged weight about 5 g. Typical length of ripe berry is 26 mm, diameter 20 mm. Shape is rounded. Color is black. Unripe berries look like raspberry.
Averaged yields is 7 kg per plant, that is much more than Castillia. Berries have a good sugar concentration and good postharvest potential (more than 7 days), firmness is great. Ripe berries of the Andimora have sweet flavor.

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Reviews of the variety Andimora

Review from [IEPI ECUADOR]
En el año 2013 luego de varios intentos de crear una planta de mora que no tenga espinas, investigadores del INIAP lo lograron: dieron vida a la andimora 2013.